​Sunny Knable composer/performer/educator/author
Books, Essays, Presentations and Letters
Author of "The Quarantine Chronicle of a Composer", 150 pp. Vision Edition, UK, 2022

A collection of 20 essays written and revised in quarantine. Subjects cover a vast array of interests, including: finding new passions and expressions; developing language to bridge the gap between musical dialects; the state of contemporary classical music; the loss and rebuilding of community; an exploration of new technical and emotional tools that are available for use in education; the loss of artistic opportunity and hope in the future; the search for contentment in the world of academia; amuse-bouches of the French language; personal revelations about the use of technology and the kinship of felines; wrestling with white-male privilege in the era of Black Lives Matter and Me Too; attempting to make a difference at the tail end of the Trump presidency; and the process of exiting quarantine. Accompanied with photos taken by the author during the COVID-19 pandemic, this collection is truly a chronicle of the times we lived in. As Sunny Knable writes in The Quarantine Chronicle of a Composer, “In the present, we are the ones gifted the opportunity to chronicle this time. Let us all take note of what we learned and take care of each other.”
Comprising conversations with John Palmer and essays on aspects of his music by an impressive array of musicians and artists, Looking Within offers a kaleidoscopic view of this uniquely creative and inspirational composer. The breadth of Palmer’s output is covered by ten groups of topics ranging from opera to instrumental music, electroacoustic to orchestral works, including the importance of poetical forms and the significance of dialectics as a living musical force. These dialogues and essays reveal Palmer carrying forth a modernist tradition as an enquiry into sound and the spiritual in music, infusing it not only with his own aesthetic ideals but with personal expressivity and an intense search for transcendence. Reading through the interviews, one feels face to face with the composer in deep conversation. Despite the breadth and variation of Palmer’s works, this book makes clear how all could originate from the same man. In a time when few composers are willing to go on record about their thoughts and positions in the field in fear of being pigeonholed, this book will become an important document for current and future listeners and performers of Palmer’s music.
Editor of "Looking Within: The Music of John Palmer"
400 pp., Vision Edition, UK, 2021

Isorhythmic Implications in Machaut's Messe de Nostre Dame
(2014, rev. 2020)
Submitted for publication
John Harbison's Philosophy in Piano Sonata No. 2 (2014, rev. 2020)
Submitted for publication
Rzewski and the Music of Change (2015, rev. 2020)
Accepted pending changes with Music Theory Online
East Meets West: 36 Views of Mount Fuji (2018)
Aspen Composers Conference Proceedings, 2020
Daniel Weymouth's in (all) the time we have left
(2016, rev. 2020)
Published in Perspectives of New Music, 2021
click here to view Weymouth's score
Adès' Arcadiana and the Language of Allusion
New Music Festival & Symposium, University of South Florida, 2018
Playlet to Pocket Opera
International Thornton Wilder Concerence, Peterborough, NH, 2018
East Meets West: 36 Views of Mount Fuji
Aspen Composers Conference, 2018
Published in the Aspen Composers Conference Proceedings, 2020
International Conference of College Music Society, Brussels, Belgium 2019
An Era of Ecclecticism
Islander Music Festival at Texas A&M Corpus Christi, 2018
A Letter From Your Music Director
Published in Tower Topics, The Church-in-the-Gardens, July 2020
Published with College Music Symposium, September 2020​
Published in The Adjunct Nation, April 2021
20/20 Vision
Published in QView Newsletter, Queens College, November 2021